DOC - Acum (Freestyle) - (Versuri)


DOC - Acum (Freestyle) - (Versuri)
DOC - Acum (Freestyle)

De cand ma stiu mi-a placut s-o simt decat sa judec.
Cand oare ingheata mintea asta creata.
Ca un pudel pierdut in piata de dimineata.
Cand un juve se certa c-o dama de mama, mama, caine dute.
O iau pe asta mica in brate, pe fata chiar ne-am f*te.
Jur pe biblie, in instanta o iau de soata dintre sute.
Cand arunca pe ea o zdreanta, pune modele pe mute.
Ia paiu meu ca high-ul meu si cotele de munte sunt acolo.
Haa, te-am mintit, de fapt dansez cu Andromeda.
Mami simt ca a rasarit soarele-n mine.
Ma gasesti afara, ai grija ca am iesit.
Las corpul asta cu tine, ii spui lui daca am gresit.

Ceva, ceva, ceva.
Important e ce va urma.. si da

E raspunsul general, universul se deschide,
Intru-n transul natural si..
Ooo, tu te gandesti la f*tai.
Ca tu esti ca mine, om, si ta gandesti la ce n-ai.
Sa-ti mai iei si tu gen Nicolae Zamfir.
Lasa-ma co*ie ca am film, zi-mi Nae Caranfil.
Uite atomii explodeaza-n vid.
Atatea idei duse departe exploreaza fin
Inapoi cu freshu si freshu e ce trebuie.
Recompun fructul gandirii, cand toata lumea chefuie.

Toti vrem mai mult, mai des.
Si le vrem acum cu A mare.
Sunt doar un prost intre prosti.
Da-mi Doamne niste rabdare.
Stii ce, da-mi-o mie toata.
Ca sunt si eu ca toata lumea tata, ca..
Toti vrem mai mult, mai des.
Si le vrem acum cu A mare.

I feel like I was born in the wrong place, wrong planet, wrong race.
If there were a court, I have a strong case.
Like my J 17, that was my age when I started rappin'.
All black and white like the departed Chaplin.
20 years later, dues I paid'm, cool's I slade'm.
Always uptaded, I really wanna to be one of the few who made it.
F*cked up really, it's my way, I gotta know I painted it, I shaped it.
So beautiful, you can't get your eyes off the pavement.
Why can't I have slippers house slickers, ..
If the blood thickens you may get the..
I'm crazy but the boss, my alcoholic cousin.
So high that I labeled the stars 'till my cock starts buzzin.
I gotta get back to the bed, history don't write itself
I'm so high that deep in my mouth but it taste the pain I felt.
When I level drives me so hard right now.
Used to cry when I was having s***, it's all hard now boy.

We are one more right now.
And most of the time we don't need that.
The right says I'm the thing about that
I gotta' slow down...
I invested in myself, I made me better cause..
We are one more right now
Still most of the time we don't need that
Still most of the time we don't need that
Si le vrem acum cu A mare

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