Fill my lungs full of smoke
Fill my belly full of beer
Fill my nights with bad jokes told by folks full of fear
Fill my eyes with a stinging
Fill my time wishing she was here
Fill my wide with the narrow
Fill my safe full of danger
Fill my bed full of shadows
Fill my dreams full of strangers
Fill my ears with a ringing
Fill my heart with a fear of fear
Well fill my cup half empty cause it's never been half full
Fill me up, paint me over, like a damp patch on the wall
Leave me lying on my stomach on your neighbour's bathroom floor
I'm only here till tomorrow anyway
I'm burning up, like a fever that rages in the night
Spark me up, I'm a firework I'll burst into light
For it's better to burn out than to fade out of sight
That's what someone told me anyway
So fill my lungs full of smoke
Fill my belly full of beer
Fill my nose full of cocaine
Fill my eyes full of tears
Fill my short with a longing
Fill my time with wishing I wasn't here
Oh fill my past with regret
Wrap my present in brown paper
Fill my future with promises that promise to come later
Fill my heart with a stinging
Fill my heart with a fear of fear
Curiozități din sport. Episodul 21: Roger Federer
Roger Federer a disputat vineri 23.09.2022, alături de marele rival Rafael
Nadal, ultimul meci din cariera sa la Laver Cup 2022, pe arena O2 din
Londra. ...
Radiografia unei minti retrase
* Putin cam ciudat titlul, nu-i asa? Mai ales din pricina faptului ca nu am
mai postat de mult pe acest blog, dar intentionez sa il pastrez ca pe un
mic j...