RObotzi - TRACKACHULA (Videoclip Oficial)

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Videoclip Oficial

RObotzi - TRACKACHULA (Videoclip Oficial)

Trackachula, cel mai freestyle lansat "spumant" direct din laborator!
In episodul special, MO, descopera doua lucruri de o importanta vitala: RObotzii au o iarna grea (spre deosebire de noi) si FOCA da chef lunea!
Multumim pentru suport!

Animatie: Pop Cordos Ramona si Pop Codin
Lyrics / Mix / Grafica / Edit / Sound design: Pop Codin
Master: Nerub

More info: incepem anul cu minim doua productii muzicale, legate tematic. Deci, dupa Trackachula urmeaza partea a doua sub o forma diferita.

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4URA - Bumpa (Official Audio)

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Official Audio

4URA - Bumpa (Official Audio)

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Alina Eremia - Aripi De Vis (Deejay Killer & Koss Remix)

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Ciordache si Liftiera - Unguru' la Radio

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Ciordache si Liftiera

Ciordache si Liftiera - Unguru' la Radio

Pe ce joburi se arunca banii tai? Muncitorul anonim Florin Ciordache da totul din casa! (preluare din matinalul Digi FM cu Miu si Striblea, 3 feb. 2020)
P.S. - Da, si Ciordache tot eu sunt :D

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ELI - Netflix and Chill (Versuri)

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ELI - Netflix and Chill (Video Teaser)

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Video Teaser

ELI - Netflix and Chill (Video Teaser)
ELI - Netflix and Chill (Versuri)
ELI - Netflix and Chill (Videoclip Oficial)

Din 06 Februarie 2020, ora 20:00 și pe YouTube.

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Galantis - Steel (Lyric Video) - (Lyrics)

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Lyric Video (Lyrics)

Galantis - Steel (Lyric Video)

Am I lost in this town
Where the signs point up
Take you down
I hold on till the fray
Everything strong is built black and grey
How many drop and fall away
They either crack or separate
Love is a shell, a heartbreak
But your arms made of steel
But your arms made of steel

Open arms made of steel
Open arms made of steel
But your arms made of steel

Dreams and thoughts shift around
As they change they might let you down
I’ll hold on
until the fray
Everything strong filled black and grey
How many drop and fall away
They either crack or separate
But your arms made of steel
But your arms made of steel
Open arms made of steel
Open arms made of steel

But your arms are made of steel

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Justin Bieber - Yummy (Summer Walker Remix)

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Pitbull ft. Blake Shelton - Get Ready (Behind The Scenes)

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Behind The Scenes

Pitbull ft. Blake Shelton - Get Ready (Behind The Scenes)
Pitbull - Get Ready (Official Video)
Pitbull - Get Ready ft. Blake Shelton & Joe Perry (Official Audio) - (Lyrics)

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The Suncatchers - Lie To Me (Official Audio)

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Official Audio

The Suncatchers - Lie To Me (Official Audio)

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